Methanol economy in India Methanol Vs Ethanol here Why Methanol? What India can do? Methanol Benefits in Transportation sector Methanol Benefits in Marine Sector Methanol in Railways Methanol & DME in Cooking fuel program Summary India needs around 2900 cr litres of petrol and 9000 cr litres of diesel per year currently, the 6 th highest consumer in the world and will double consumption and become 3 rd largest consumer by 2030. Our import bill on account of crude stands at almost 6 lac crores. Hydrocarbon Fuels have also adversely affected the environment with Green House Gas Emissions (GHG). India is the third highest energy related carbon dioxide emitter country in the world. Almost 30% pollution in cities like Delhi is from automobiles and the growing number of automobiles on the road will further worsen the pollution. The recent situation is alarming and time has come for the Govt to present a comprehensive road map to reduce the urb...