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DPSP : M Laxmikanth


Chap 8

DPSP are a set of instructions that our constitution provides in part IV. Hence these are just the instructions and therefore are not enforceable by the court i.e they are non justiciable in nature (Art. 37).
Constitution does not classify DPSP. But on the basis s of their content they can be classified in three broad categories i.e socialistic, Gandhian and liberal  intellectual property.
Socialistic Principle
These reflect the ideology of socialialism.
Art. 38- To promote welfare of people by giving them social, economic and political justice. Also to minimize the inequality in income, status, facilities and opportunities.
Art. 39- To secure
      a) adequate means of livelihood.
      b) distribution of resources.
      c) prevention of centralization of wealth.
      d) equal pay for equal work for men and women.
      e) preservation of the health of workers and children against forcible abuse.
      f) opportunities for healthy development of children.
Art. 39 A- to provide free and legal aid to poor. [Lead to formation of Gram Nyayalaya Act click here...]
Art. 41-to secure right to work and public assistance in case of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement.
Art 42-to make just and humane conditions for work and maternity relief.
Art. 43- a living wage and descent standard of living.
Art. 43 B- participation of workers in management of industries.
Art. 47- raise the level of nutrition and public health.
Gandhian Principles
These reflect the idea of Gandhi.
Art. 40- to organize village panchayat and endow them with necessary power.
Art. 43- to promote cottage industries.
Art. 43 B- to promote co-operative societies.
Art. 46- to strengthen SCs and STs.
Art. 47- to prohibit the consumption of intoxication.
Art. 48- to prohibit the slaughter of animals.
Liberal Intellectual Principles 
These reflect the ideology of liberals.
Art. 44- uniform civil code.
Art. 45- early childhood care and education to children upto age of 6 year.
Art. 48- agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines.
Art. 48 A- to protect environment and wildlife.
Art. 49- protect monuments.
Art. 50- separate judiciary from executive.
Art. 51- promote internal peace and security.
Along with DPSP also study the following cases :
a) Champkam Dirairajan
b) Golaknath
c) Keshwanand Bharti
d) Minerva Mills
DPSP Outside Part IV
Art. 335 Part XVI- Claims of SCs and STs shall be taken into consideration for services and posts in affairs with Union or State.
Art. 350 A Part XVII- To provide instructions and education in mother tongue.
Art. 351 Part XVII- To promote hindi language.


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