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Tamil Nadu History NCERT Chap-11 Class 11

Chapter 11

South Indian Kingdom- Pallavas
--Origin (3 theories):
          --1)Origin from Partihian (Iran)à Foreign origin
          --2)Descendent of Chola(Prince)  and Naga (Princess)à Island of Manipallavam
          --3)Branch of Brahmin royal dynasty of Vakatakas
--Widely accepted theory = Pallava à native to Tondimandlam(T.N) à When Tondimandlam conquered by Satvahnas à Pallavas =Feudatory à therefor Pallava inscription= Sanskrit + Prakrit. + patronized Brahminism.

Political History:
lines of progress:
                                250- 350 AD ===Charter in Sanskrit +Prakrit =Influence of Satvahna =ShivaskandVarman and VijyaskandVarman.
                                350-550 AD===Charter in Sanskrit =Influence of Gupta=Vishnugupta àdefeted Samudragupta.
                                    550- 9th Cent AD==Charter in Sanskrit + Tamil=Mahendravarman,Narshinvarman,etc

Mahendravarman 1 (600-630 AD):àcontemporary of Harsha:
-- start of fight =Chalukya Vs Pallavas
--Got into fight with Chalukya king Pulkeshin(Pulkeshin= defeated Harsha to cross Narmada)
--Mahendravarman1 was defeated ////////inscription shows he won---but its wrong
--Jainism at beginning à Shaivism.
--Titles= Chettakari(builder of Temples), à rock cut temples famus+ chittirakkarapuli(Paintings)
--Wrote Mattavilasa prahasnam
--Music +Literature

 Narsimhavarman1 (630-668 AD): (shaw destruction of Pushybhuti dynasty)
--AKA Mamalla(Wrestler)
--Revenge = defeated Chalukya à destroyed his capital Vatapi à took title= Vatapikonda.
--Naval expedition to Sri Lanka and China.
--Erected Ratha to Mammalapuram
--Hiuen Tsang à came to Pallava dynastyà states number of Buddhist monasteries were present.

(Mahendravarman 2 à Parmeshwarvarman)= Palava Vs Chalukya conflict continued.

Narsimhavarman 2(695-722 AD):
--AKA Rajsimha
--No conflict à peaceful regime
--Art and Architecture
--Temple =Shore temple at Mammalapuram and Kailasnathtemple at Kanchipuram
--Dandin= Sanskrit scholar adorned his  court
--Title= Shankar bhakta and Agampriya

Succeed by Parmeshwar 2 à narsimhavarman 2===Chola ruller Aditya 1 defeated last pallava ruller=Aprajita =at the end of 9th cent AD

Pallava Administration:
--Kingdom divided into àKottam (governed by officers appointed by king)
--Land grant = 1) Devdhana  given to Temple  2)Brahmadeya given to Brahman. = both exempted from tax.
--Irrigation was Central gov responsibility.
--Tax = weaver,carpenter, washerman,goldsmith, oil pressers, farmers etc
--primary tax income = Land tax
--Sabha at gram levelà kept the record of land and village affairs à they also managed temple.

Society under Pallavas:
--Inspired from Gupta
--Caste system become rigid
--Brhamins occupied higher position à decline of Jainism & Buddhism
--Shaivism(Nayanmar) and Vaishnavism(Alwars) à led to bhakti movement
--Humns in Tamil à development of Tamil literature.

Education and Literature:
--Ghatika=educational institution at Kanchi
            --Student=  India+Aborad
                        1)Mayurasarman =Founder of Kadamba dynasty = studied Veda
                        2)Dinganga= A Buddhist writer.
                        3)Dharampala = Head of the Nalanda University.
                        4)Bharvi= great Sanskrit scholar lived at the time of singvishnu
                        5)Dandin in court of  Narsimhavarman 2.
--Mahendravarman 1 = wrote Mattavilasha Prahasna
--Nayanvars(Shiv bhakta)= wrote Devaram
--Alwars(Vishnu Bhakta)= wrote Nalayradivyaprabandam
--Perundevanar patronized by Nandivarman 2= translated  Mahabharata as Bharthavenba in Tamil.
--Unknown writer=  wrote Nandikkalambagam.

Pallava’s Art and Architecture :
          Dravidian style began during pallavas.
         --First stage= Mahendravarman 1 à rock cut Temples = in places likle Mahendravadi, Tiruchipalli etc.(image is below of mahendravadi)
rock cut temple at Mahendrabadi


   --Second stage=Narsimhavarman 1 à Monolithic Ratha + Mandapa = at Mamallapuram.
                        -- Ratha= Panchapandava ratha à 5 different temple style
                        --Mandapa=Beautiful sculpture in wall = ex-Mahishasurmardhini Mandapa, Tirumurthi Mandapa, Varha Mandapa are important mandapas

Dropadi ratha
Dharmaraja ratha

Arjuna ratha

Nakula-Sahdeva ratha

Bhima ratha

  --Third Stage=Rajsimha AKA Narsimhavarman 2 àStructural temple = made of sand rocks.
                                 --ex= Kailasnath temple(built by Rashtrakuta but has traces of Pallavas architecture)  at kanchi and Shore temple at Mamallapuram

Kailashnath temple at Ellora
Built by Rashtrakuta...
top kalsha resembles Pallavas
shikhara style

Shore temple
structure architecture(= not built by carving single rock but by several rocks
near Panchratha (20 metre towards shore)

        --Forth Stage=later pallavas à Structural temple
                                 --ex=Muktheeshwara temple, Vikundaperumal temple and Mataganeshwar temple at Kanchipuram.

Mukteshwar temple(orrisa)
Torna special feature--> having buddhist architecture traces.
9900 AD

Scultupre :  Temple mandapa + Open art Gallery(at mamallapuram)
                   Theme = detailed= monkey picking lice, giant elephant, ascetic cat etc
                     Fresco painting(on stone): descent of Ganges + penance of Arjuna.

Sculpture in temple mandapa

 Open art gallery
shows= Arjuna penance+ descent of Ganges

Fine arts:
Music + Dance +Painting = developed during pallavas in south.
           --1)Kuduminamalai inscription = refers musical notes and instruments
          --2)Mamandur inscription= note on notation of vocal music
--Alwars + Nayanmars = made several hymns in musical note.
--Sculpture show =  dance and drama.
--Dakshinchitra=== a commentary  compile during  Mahendravarman 1(title= chittirakkaarapuli)


musical instrument


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