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Comprehensive study of BS 6

BS 6 Norms
 Learning out come:
1)Introducing Bharat stage
2)Technology related knowledge
3)Environment impact
4)administration point of view

1)Bharat Stage:
>Vehcular Emmission Standard----Made by GOI to check air pollution @PPM.
>Who decides standard= Environment Ministry
>Who implements= CPCB (Central Pollution Control Bord)
>Globally(out side India) = European Emmission Standard.
>Current standard= BS6 ......yet to be implemented(2020 most probably)

>Comparing  BS4  and BS6

PM                (Particulate Matter)
50 PPM
10 PPM
Sulphur        (See environment section for impact @ 3)

80 % ↓
Nitrogne      (See environment section for impact @ 3)

70 % ↓

2)Technology related knowledge
To accomodate PM  (Particulate matter):
    >> Fuel refinary Upgradation
    >>Change in  Engine design
>> 2 Wheeler issue:
                  >>>Presently 2 wheeler uses = Carborate system in engine.
                             >>>>Carborate System= fuel+ air is mixed in required ratio then enters engine.
                  >>>Carborate system need to be replaced with= Fuel injection system.
                              >>>>This takes lots of time......@existing 2 wheeler poses challenge.

>To accomodate Gas norms:
    >>better Catalyst is required....usually in exaust pipe.

>To accomodate tracking system:
    >>On Board Diagnostic= a equipment fitted in vehcle....suo motu examines any deviation.
Image ↓:

3)Environmental Impact:
>33.33 % of air pollution (1/3rd ) = Vehcular
>7 of the worlds top 10 polluted city is in India.

>SMOG (Smoke+ Fog)formation(Sulphur Vs Nitrogen) :
  >>Types =
1)Photochemical Smog       2)Industrial Smog
1)Photochemical Smog:
>Yellowish/ Brownish Color
>Source= Vehcular  fuel
>Whether condition = Dry + Sunny

     >> NOx
=  from exaust of Vechle forms= NO2
     >>NO2 + UV rays = NO + O
     >> O +O2 = Ozone
= Ozone in bottom strata causes Resperetory disease + Plant disease etc.
     >>RC (Hydro carbon) + O = RCO (Aldehyde/Ketone) + O2
     >>RCO + O2 = RCO3 (Peroxide)
     >>Peroxide further boosts Ozone formation.

     >>Note= NO2 gives yellowish/brownish colour to Smog

2)Industrial Smog:
>Source = Coal burning in industries.
>Wheather= Damp + Cool temp
>AKA “London Smog” = first found there

  >>Coal contains = Sulphur----After burning = Sulphor diaoxide.
  >>SO2 + H2O (Moisture= therefore damp climate)= Sulphuric Acid.
  >>Impact= irritation in eye + skin issues etc.

>Delhi Smog @ winter= combination of Industrial Smog + Photochemical Smog + stubble burning
>So, smoke from (Vechle +Industry + stubble burn) + (Fog) =Smog

>Health Impact = Lungs disease +Respiratory issues

4)administration point of view:
>Non Family Hardship Posting:
       --If pollution of Delhi does not improves---- delhi can be declared Non Family Hardship Posting.
          >Non Family Hardship Posting=
Diplomat posted there will need extra compensation...or will leave delhi.
>Sales are new limit for change:       
earlier to adopt any new norms= Production unit was a result when entire lots produce was sold then new norms on new production.
now,Sales are new unit= Even if Inventry has old goods you need to stop selling that if permissible sales quota is over.-------Potential of Corruption ....Current slowdown in Auto sector.

>Old Vechle= ensuring no old vehcle on road

Other impacts:
Cost of Vechle ↑ ......impact demand @india being cost sensitive market
--Air quality index monitors following gases:
  >PM = PM 2.5  and  PM10


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