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Disaster management

Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning
System for Africa and Asia (RIMES) = Africa to Asia (independant african org)---aftermath of Tsunami is origin...............located in Thailand.

The Sendai Framework For Disaster Risk Reduction  2015- 2030
7 Key Target to Substantially reduce disaster risk and losses
deals with 17 SDG’s goals to = Diaster Risk Reduction is Essential to achieve these goals.
Following targets include all SDG for safer world:
Target1 = Reduce Global Disaster Mortality

Target 2= Reduce the Number of Affected People

Target 3= Reduce economic losses in relation to Gobal GDP...@SDG ending poverty + sustainable development and  decent work for all.

Target 4= Reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic + education+ human settlement sustainable and safe.

Target 5= Increase the number of countries with disaster risk reduction 2020...making habitat safer= reduce poverty and hunger.

Terget 6= to inhance international cooperation to developing counties.....key to betterment to every one

Target 7= Increase access to multi hazard early warning system and disaster risk information.
...........combats climate change.

Sendai framework can make SDG a reality.

@Sendai work action to be taken in four priority area:

>> Collection, Analyse relevent data + Dissemination of same  keeping needs of user in mind
          =GIS can be useful in this.

>>Training= officials + Civil Society +Citizen etc

>>Indeginious Knowledge=local practices to be used. To complement scientific methods

>>International Cooperation:
            =Sharing  non sensitive data/ Tech
            =Coalition for DisasterResilient Infrastructure (CDRI) to know more = 2019 by India to share data in experience

Area2: Strenghtening Governance
>>Assesment of = Adiministrative + Financial + tech disaster risk management capacity.

>>Incentive for compliance + Urban planning

>>Promote Quality of standard= Award, Certification etc + Participation of Private sector.

>>strengthening of international voluntary mechanisms for monitoring and assessment of disaster risks, including relevant data and information, benefiting from the experience of the Hyogo Framework for Action Monitor.

Area3: Investing in Resilient infrastructure.
>>Poverty + Hunger ↓

>>Mapping and Management

Area 4: Build back better
>>Establish community centre....for spreading awareness and stokpiling necessary stuff.

>>Train voluntory and existing workforce

>>Recovery scheme for Pshycological and mental support.

>>maintiaing data base of morbidity and other losses by disaster.


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