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Indian Society :::Summary

Indian Society

Strategy to write Answer:
1)Thought process = Introduction
2)Understanding of Issues = Body
3)Solution for social problems=Conclusion

Silent Feature of Indian Society
1) Multiculturalism

    2.1)Language--à Linguistic nationalism
2.3.1)Region is a homogenous areawith physical and cultural characteristics distinct from  those of neighbouring areas. || Region is a  multidimensional concept encompasssing  the geographical as well as economic and social-cultural factors such as Language.
          2.3.2)Impact of Regionalism:
                   Positive=Loyalty and affinity with ones's region.
                   Negative= Separatism @ National unity.

Cause of Regionalism in INDIA
Geographical & Linguistic
Lack of Transport+ Communication(Relative isolation)=Loyalty to Language  ↑

Historical experiece
Deep-rooted belief=people of particular region are diff + when combined political domination.

Uneven development
>Development of one region  at the cost of other
>Uneven economic development.

>LPG reform= uneveness ↑ =Corporate preferred already developed region wrt backward region.

  >>State formation =Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Uttrakhand, Telangana
  >>New demand= Vidharbha(Maharashtra),  Saurashtra(Gujrat)
  >>Future(currently feeble voices)=UP to be divided into 3 more state
       >>>Purvanchal(East UP) +Awadh(Central) + Harit Pradesh(West UP).

Cultural identity
Note=Religion and Religious identity hardly plays any role in Regionalism. Ex- Assam NRC = they are not against Bengali Muslims but against illegal immigrant.
>Language= strongly emotive issues. Ex- Tamil Nadu= Anti Hindi

        2.3.3)Political angle:
                 >Local/Regional party = election ex=DMK, Shiv Shena etc
                 >Sometimes Regionalism combines with Communalism with time= Shiv Shena(Maratha to Hindutva)
                 >Agenda by Politician:
                             =to hide economic failure(Blame on migrant)
                             =Inter state water dispute = magnified by regional sentiment.
         2.3.4)Solution:                  =Regionalism in a Federal polity is not bad(it attracts center towards regional issues)----but regional movement for long created separatism
                  =Promoting Transport and Communication infrastructure.
                  =Mass Media......though vested interest has opp impact.
                  =Economic development(no blame game of job loss on migrant)
                  =Smooth Administration.


2.5.1)Communalism is an ideology based on the belief that society is divided into religious communities whose interests differ and are opposed to each other and hence antagonistic in nature.
       2.5.2)"Communal Politics + Communal ideology " is disease; communal violence is "Symptom"     
       2.5.3)Fight against communalism(by Bipan chandra):
      is ideology...and ideology can't be supressed by force.
                           Ideology is faught at the level of ideas.
      media= plays imp role to spread education.
      & cultural policy= of GOI.
      of education and Dept info and Broadcasting = GOI

      impact of education:
                  + traditional/folk culture= protect masses from Communal ideologies/hate
                  Literacy exposes them to influence of Communalism, obscurantism and irrational ideas.
                            Example-Whatspp fake news, Pamphlets, posters etc
                                            Communal interpretation of Ancient/ Medieval History= Bedrock of communal ideology.

Religion= unit of community
Caste= unit of community
Divergent intrest amongst = antagonism
Same (but communit is diff ↑)
Ex-Godhra kand
Ex- Riot @Mandal commission

     3.1)Role of Women and women’s organisation

4)Joint Family

    5.1) Core Value Vs Peripheral Value = Core resist more || Peripheral accepts easily
                         5.1 ex= Sending women to work out @Peripheral Value||Work place harrasment@Core value ie. Patriarchy
                         5.2 ex=buying car @modern tech || nimbu mirchi hang@ core value = oldbelief

Limiting the use of Religion to the Private domain(not public)
--Issue= intermixing of religion and Politics = Ex- Ayodhya in menifesto.
           =upto what extant intermixing is allowed?
   Process of Secularisation:
6.1)Education = (Patshala, Madrasa, Seminaries) to (modern secular school) = secular content @thought process
6.2)Legislation= without social mindset no use==Godman, do gooders etc existing makes secularism@Paper tiger.
6.3)Social Reform
--Secularism is basic element of Modernisation, so if a nation want to modernise herself it has to gradually adopt secular phillosophy.
--Tech innovation-----> Industrialisation + Urbanisation ---> boosted secularism.
--Urbanisation+Industrialisation= loosen the grip of in group feeling....though religion still persist after even urbanisation-----but sheds much of its communal overtones.--Article= 14, 15,25,26,27,28,29, 51A(FD= promoting scientific temper)

Note: Class= not silent feature as its not unique to India.

Effect of Globalisation  on Indian Society:
         =Old Age
        =SC/ST  etc
Family......joint to nuclear
Caste ---Jajmani system(North)@ tech  + Vetti system(South)
=Religion -----Great and Little tradition

        =Macdonalisation of food
        =Netflix @ pan India
        =English Language
      =Macdonald does not sell Beef....veg in Navratri.
      =Dubbed movies in India

      =@fear to loose ones culture
      = World Yoga Day
      =Revival of mother tongue

Population and associated issues:



4)Vulnarable section:
     =4.C)Physical disabled
     =4.D)Old age

What is Poverty|| Poverty and developmental issues(diff access to resource kills opportunity=Inequality)
>Approaches = perspective ---Nutrtional , Calories, while in developed countries Relative.
>Gov effort=schemes
>Way forward

Urbanisation + Problems+ Remedy

Social Impowerment
(dont read seperately but observe it in every above topics)
1)Example= Women doing jobs= Economic  empowernent
   But, NFHS= 89% of women donot have autonomy to spend the money that they are earning.=socially not empowerment

****Social empowerement= power to take part in decision making


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