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History of Indian Press

Spectrum + Others

James Augustus Hickey started first news paper called The Bengal Gazette or Calcutta General Advertiser, and was soon banned in 1782.
British in Bengal were highly motivated with there cunning skills in battle of pallassey(1757), and now of their military might in battle of Buxar(1764). Such motivation led them to annex teritory of Mysore.
1st Anglo Mysore war 1767-69*****British were defeated****Treaty of madras….always help in case of war
2nd Anglo Mysore war 1780-84(because britishers had signed treaty of salbai(peace treaty with Maratha…sir dard))******led to treaty of manglore….give each other their territory.
3rd Anglo Mysore war 1790-1791 …..this time Tipu was in power…..tipu was defeated…treaty of Seringapatnam
4th Anglo Mysore war 1792-1799…..Death of tipu and subsidiary alliance by lord Wellesley(1798-1805)

The news papers were highlighting these treacherous war and treaties(in red color)
And the most important was how British made false charges on tipu in 4th Anglo Mysore war, both Maratha and Nizam fought from British side, but Wellesley framed tipu of conspiring against the british govt with Maratha and Nizam of Hyderabad. These were burning news at that time….and thus comes the first Censorship on press.
Censorship of press act,1799:
> it was imposed by Lord Wellesley(Master mind of Subsidiary alliance)
>it had war time restrictions of press like pre-censorship.
>these restrictions were removed by Lord Hastings, who had progressive view in 1818( yar ye banda itna mature tha ki iske year me bhi do bar 18 hai….OMG)
About Lord Hasting(also known as Earl of Moira)1813-1824:
>only English  as far as I think had the feel of prevailing in pain.
>he repaired the canal system of mughals for better irrigation.
>he was very romantic as well, people promises to by moon and stars for love , he actually baught SINGAPORE
>According to his last wish, his right hand was cut, to be buried with his wife's body when she dies…….I don’t know why he chooses right hand for his wife…
                      Licensing Regulation,1823-----John Adam(Acting Governor General at that time)
>license for printing and and publication was required
>so that gov could know about the active press
>in case of violation, penalty/fine was imposed
The above licencing act is good nothing bad, even now it is operating……chill scene hai yaar

Effect:  Raja Ram Mohan Roy's Mirat-ul-Akbar had to stop
                        Press act of 1835 or Metcalfe Act(Metcalfe was governor general-1835-1836)
>Metcalfe served governor general for this short period. This is enough to prove that he was a great liberator of the Indian Press
>Led to rapid growth of the news paper .
  •  even after metcalfe cam lord dalhouse (1848-1856) who further liberalised the press
>Dalhouse was hard core expansionist.
>dalhouse was famous for his policy of doctrine of lapse and 2nd sikh war.
>for annexation of punjab he was awarded by british parliament the tiltle of Marquess
>so above facts show he was a good expansionist. But a good expansionist should be a good administrator to control the vast area, and people like me…
>> he introduced the first passenger railway from Bombay to Thane
>>he legalised re-maraige.
                                                 So above traits automatically will give you a feeling that …he knew how to expand territory, and to check the feeling of ground reality free press will be require that’s why he liberated the press I think.

Licensing Act of 1857: Lord Canning 1856-1862(naam maa baap ne naam hi cunning rakhkha tha..)
Background you must be knowing this time…..
>Provision made by metcalfe for licence was added extra line…chotu sa  "govt reserves the right of publication" .

Licensing Act of 1867:  Lord Canning 1856-1862(lord of cunning ……wolf ka bhagwaan..1857 act se santustti ni mili)
>Again background is same
>but this act replaced the metcalfe act….."or iss tarah se bure din aa gaye"
>now every books/newspaper had to print the printer and publisher name , along with the place of printing …..British are really innocent, aren't they!.
>a copy was to be sent to the local government within one month.
>this act was retrogative in nature, ie. They could file a case even after 10 year because they had the copy of the content of 10 year back with them.

Restriction  Act of 1870 (Lord Mayo……tushar kapoor of Britain.)
>during this time congress used to propagate his ideas using these newspapers only
>so it was the 1st time sedition word was defined(ab congress hai to BJP(sedition) ko to ana hi hoga)
>>see I am not against BJP because we have only one option against Modi, But he is not eligible for election. Salo aise kya dekh rhe ho main ni hun yaaar. A true leader is one "who gives the credit of success to his fellow workers, and takes the responsibility of failure on his on shoulder".  That’s why I am making MODI a TRUE LEADER by blaming him for various sedition charges imposed by his gov.
>SN banerjee became the first indian to climb mt.everst oops sorry first indian to be charged with sedition

Vernacular Press Act 1878(Lytton……ab yaar " M(mayo) ka baad to L(Lytton) hi ata hai"
>Lytton tea…naam to suna hi hoga….lord lytton was such keen of party that he was partying during the famine(1876-1877) in imperial Delhi Darbar.
>various press wrote against him. He feared of england would know his reality.
>the DM could call any printer and publisher(lord cunning ke license act ki vajah se) of venacular news paper to enter into a bond with the gov undertaking……

Rest I will write later……insaan hun thak gya


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