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Volume 2:::::::: Chapter 1

--As per World Economic Outlook (by IMF) World GDP is showing a Decline in Growth.
--Worlds GDP =9 Trillion--Indias GDP= 2.9 Trillion--So Indias GDP is about 3.33 % of World.--Indias export to GDP= 19.7% of GDP.
-     --World GDP affects india more then otherwise.
--World GDP trend = 3.8%(2017) --à  3.6%(2018)  -à 2.9%(2019)


--GDP= C+ I + G + (X-M)
          >> C=House-hold Consumption=our purchase +unregistered firms etc
          >> I=Investment by Private= does not include investment on share or jwalary = only financial assests which keeps money ciculating.
          >> G =Gov expenditure
          >> X-M= Export - Import
--above table 3 shows......decrease in Investment
            >>Export + Import both decreased but === [X-M] increased hence good.


--CPI = increased and diverged from WPI.....Why?
          >>Bcoz of Food Core inflation adhares WPI
          >>Deflator decreased to 2.1% thus showing supply side  problem of Food.


--PLFS(Periodic Labor Force Survey) had licked data of 45 year low unemployment.
--Unemployment data cannot be compaired......bcoz change in calculation.
--Above fig 11 shows......increase of formal workforce


--Fig 13 shows WALR(Lending rate) of SCBs(Schedule commercial Banks) has not followed Policy rate.
--Fig 14...all major non food bank credit growth declined...........Bank credit mainly chananlised in G-sec and Personal loan(includes Agri).

--Fig 15 shows .....mainly Public Banks are showing risk aversion.
--Risk aversion
= not willing to lend to companies fearing NPA
                        >>GOI to solve it .Merged many increase their capacity to take risk.



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