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Important Reports published

Names of Reports published by Organisations

                   World Economic Outlook ================= IMF 1 time in 2 year
                   Global Economic Prospect =============== World Bank 2 time in 1 year
[Notice the meaning of Outlook (from what(balance sheet) we are seeing) and Prospect(where(dev activities) are seeing)
Sl.NoReport titleOrganisation
1.Asian Development OutlookADB (Asian Development bank)
2.Global Financial System ReportBIS (Bank for International Settlements)
3.Global Money Laundering ReportFATF (Financial Action Task Force)
4.India State of Forest ReportForest Survey of India
5.Change the World List DataFortune
6.Technical Cooperation ReportIAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
7.Nuclear Technology ReviewIAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
8.Ease of Doing BusinessIBRD (World Bank)
9.World Development ReportIBRD (World Bank)
10.Safety ReportsICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)
11.Global Hunger Index reportIFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute)
12.World Social Protection ReportILO (International Labour Organization)
13.World Employment and Social OutlookILO (International Labour Organization)
14.World of Work ReportILO (International Labour Organization)
15.Global Wage ReportILO (International Labour Organization)
16.Global Financial Stability Report IMF (International Monetary Fund)
17.World Economic OutlookIMF (International Monetary Fund)
18.Global Innovation IndexCornell University INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
19.World Energy Outlook (WEO) International Energy Agency
20.Southeast Asia Energy OutlookInternational Energy Agency
21.OPEC Monthly Oil Market ReportOPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries )
22.World Oil OutlookOPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries )
23.World Happiness ReportSustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
24.Global Corruption Report (GCR)Transparency International
25.Levels and Trends in Child Mortality ReportUN Inter-agency Group
26.World Investment ReportUNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
27.Actions on Air QualityUNEP (United Nations Environment Programme )
28.Global Environment OutlookUNEP (United Nations Environment Programme )
29.The Rise of Environmental CrimeUNEP & INTERPOL
30.Global education monitoring ReportUNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
31.State of world populationUNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)
32. World Cities ReportUN-Habitat
33.The Global ReportUNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees )
34.Report on Regular ResourcesUNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund )
35.The State of the World’s Children reportsUNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund )
36.Reports on Counterfeiting and Organized CrimeUNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute)
37.Industrial Development ReportUNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
38.Global Assessment ReportUNISDR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction)
39.Global Report on Trafficking in PersonsUNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
40.World Drug ReportUNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
41.World Wildlife Crime ReportUNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
42.Global Information Technology ReportWEF (World Economic Forum)
43.Travel and Tourism Competitiveness ReportWEF (World Economic Forum)
44.Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) WEF (World Economic Forum)
45.World Intellectual Property Report (WIPR)WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)
46.The Energy Report & Living Planet ReportWWF (World Wildlife Fund)


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