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Naming The Indian Highways

>>All Major Highways will be single digit or double digit in number.

>>Three digit numbered highways are secondary routes or branches of a main highway.

>> All North-South highways will carry EVEN number

>>All East-West highways will have ODD numbers

>>North-South highways will increase their numbers from East to West. For example, a particular North-South highway in Central India or Western India will have a higher number than the one in East India.
For e.g. NH4 is somewhere in East India where as highway 44 may be towards the west of India while both runs north-south due to the even numbering.

>>Similarly East-West highways will increase their numbers as we move from North to South. For e.g. NH1 will be running East-West somewhere in North India while NH 83 may be somewhere down south.

Note: There may be confusion among some roads that may be running diagonally in stretches.


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