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UNEP (United Nation Environmental Programme)

To understand UNEP working its structure is important.

GEF (Green Climate Fund)
> Formed by World Bank on the reccomendation of UNEP + UNDP.
>UNEP= deals with environment protection
>UNDP= deals with development activities like poverty elivation and desertification.
>so, GEF = can be used for above purpose

IPCC (Inter govermental Pannel on Climate Change)
>Formed by by UNEP + WMO(world Meteorological Organisation)
>WMO= monitors/studies climate change.
>so, IPCC report = Impact of environment on climate change

UNRED Programme
>formed by UNEP + UNDP + FAO
>FAO = deals with food security.
>So, UN RED= preserves (Aforestation) environment in a way to ensure development in that area(Tribal) and ensuring their food security.

CITES(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species...of flaura and fauna)
>Administered by UNEP.

Rotterdam Convention
>legally binding obligation.
>For implementation of PIC (Prior Informed Conscent)
>formed by UNEP + FAO

Report published by UNEP
>GEO(Global Environment Outlook)=== by UNEP
> The Rise of Environmental Crime === by UNEP + INTERPOL
Action on Air Quality === by UNEP

CLICC (Country Level Impacts of Climate Change ) = by UNEP and  UK's Department of Energy and Climate change....No fund just provide collective learning in assesing climate change.


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