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Parliamentary committee

Finance committee:
==Cant summon ministers
==Ministers cant be members

 Note: Only Excess Grant is audited by PAC before submitting for vote in Lok Sabha.

Public Account Committee

Estimate committee

Committee on Public Undertaking

Financial Committee,

Hence, Ministers can’t be summoned by them



Root=GOI act 1919…came in 1921


Root= 1964 recommended by Krishna Menon committee

=15 L.S + 7 R.S

Ministers can not be its member

= Only Lok Sabha (No R.S)

Ministers can not be its member

L.S + 7 R.S

   Ministers can not be its member

Proportional Representation



Chairmen= elected by Speaker

by Tradition=LoP

Chairment= elected by Speaker


By Tradition Ruling party

Chairmen= elected by Speaker


MP from R.S can’t be Chairman

Report of CAG, which are put in parliament by President……as CAG directly puts report to president…..its a Post-mortem committee.

Efficiency of Budget….whether policy are efficient….and its exp….so it’s a Continous committee.

Just like Estimate committee …but for PSUs
CAG report on PSUs…

Esamines other functions vested in PAC or EC related to PSUs on the order of Speaker

Tenure= 1 year



Click here for diff b/w JPC and PAC (Joint Parliamentary Committee Vs Public Account Committee)


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