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Tamil Nadu History NCERT Chap- 18 Class 11

Chapter 18


--Bhakti cult rose in T.N =7th – 8th Cent AD = Pallavas, Chola, Pandyas.=Alwar+Naynars.
--Medieval Bhakti movement was direct result of spread of Islam in subcontinent.
              >>islamic ideas== Monotheism, Equality, Brotherhood of man, rejection of rituals and class division.
              >>sufi sant shaped thinking of Bhakti saint like Ramananda, Kabir and Guru Nanak.

--Liberal reform movement within Islam = Sufisim.
--Origin = Persia |||||||  Spread to India = 11th Cent.
--1st Sufi saint = Saikh Ismail = Lahore.
--Most famous in India = Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti ==His disciples = sufis of Chisti order.
Nizamuddin Auliya = chisti order.
--Another famous was = Bahauddin Zakariya=follower of  Shiahabuddin Suhrawardi =famous mystic= desciples= Sufis of Suhrawardi order.
      >>Love of God=Love of Humanity=believed service to humanity was tantamount to service to God.
      >>when you are having self disciplined= you can get knowledge of God = by sense of perception.
      >>while Orthodox muslims believed in external conduct = Sufis believed in internal purity.
      >>while Orthodox muslims believed in observance of Ritual = Sufis believed in Love and devotion only way for salvation.
      >>Sufis believed in = Guidance of Guru/ Pir = otherwise no spiritual development.
                                     >>>Repentance , meditation, good action, fasting, performance of prayer and pilgrimage, charity etc
--Had huge impact on Akbar.
--Blunted the edge of Hindu-Muslim prejudice.

Bhakti Movement:
-- 9th cent = Sankaracharya(Karala) = Adwaita(monotheism) concept of Nirgunabrahman( no attributes)
                         >>was Shavite.
--12th cent= Ramanuja(Chennai)= disagreed with Sankracharya’s  Concept of Nirgunabrahman .
                         >> formed a new concept = God is Shagunabrahman = has attributes.
                         >>was Vashnavite.
--13th Cent= Madhava(Karnatka)= concept of Dwaita = Jivatma + Parmatma= universe is reality.
--Surdas  =disciple of Vallabhacharya(Vashnavite) = popularized KRISHNA cult.
--Tulsidas = Ram= wrote Ramcharitmanas = a hindi ramayna.

--14th and 15th Cent Ramananda , Kabir, Guru Nanak  led the legacy in a different form(Influence of ISLAM …)
        >> rejected all superstition.
        >>God is one.
        >>disassociated with any present Religion.
        >>didn’t believed in Rituals.
        >>Against idolatry.
        >>true devotion leads to salvation.
        >>Fundamental unity of all religion.
--Born = Allahabad .
--worshiper of RAMA/.
--Preached in “Vernacular language”.
--Against Caste system.
--Followers = Kabir (Muslim weaver) + Raidasa(a cobbler) + Pipa (a rajput prince).
--Born in hindu family---raised in Muslim
--brought Hindu Muslim close
--against idolatry, rituals,==all god are same.

Guru Nanak:
--Disciple of Kabir.
--his follower called= Sikh.

--Krishna cult
--Universal brotherhood---devotion through song, dance etc.

--Founder of “Bhakti movement” in Maharashtra.
--he called it Maharashtra Dharma.
--wrote a commentary on “Bhagwat Gita”=Ganeshwari.

--Tukaram = contemporary of  Shivaji = created background for Maratha nationalism.

Impact of Bhakti movement:
--Since Bhakti saint preached in regional language= regional language like Hindi, Marathi,Bengali, Kannada developed.
--status of women ↑
--Status of lower caste ↑
--new social ideas like = Charity  and service to other flourished.

For Part 2 of Bhakti and Sufi Movement.......... Click here

--for Adwaita and vedanta concept click here for AW on Bhakti era

--for bhakti and sufi AW click here

--for silent features of Bhakti AW click here

14 Consider the following statements.
1. As per Ramanuja, all the objects in creation are real but not illusory.
2. As per Madhava, dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma does not exist and they dwell in an eternal
cosmic entity.
Which of the above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. None
Your Answer :
Correct Answer : A
Statement 1: In the twelfth century, Ramanuja preached Visishtadvaita / Vishishtadvaita .
According to him God is Sagunabrahman. The creative process and all the objects in creation
are real but not illusory as was held by Sankaracharya. Therefore, God, soul, matter are real.
But God is inner substance and the rest are his attributes.
He also advocated prabattimarga or path of self-surrender to God. He invited the
downtrodden to Vaishnavism.
Statement 2: In the thirteenth century, Madhava from Kannada region propagated Dvaita or
dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma.
According to his philosophy, the world is not an illusion but a reality.
God, soul, matter are unique in nature.
Learning: Nimbarka and Vallabhacharya were also other preachers of Vaishnavite Bhakti in the
Telungana region. Surdas was the disciple of Vallabhacharya and he popularized Krishna cult in
north India.


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