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Sufi and Bhakti Movement Part 2

For Part 1 here

Pshycic Unity [E.B Tyler---Classical Evolution of Culture]
>India = Bhakti Movement started in response of growing imortance of rituals against sprituality of Hinduism.
>Afganishtan= Sufism evolved against growing rituality(Conservatism) of Caliphate.

Types of Sufi Saint:
1) Be- Shara Sufi:
   > does not follow Shariya
   >AKA “Mask Kalandar” + “Haidari” + “Malang” + “Baba”
   >Simmilar to Bhakti saints= Harsh ascetism
   >No info====
è no documentation
2) Ba-Shara Sufi:
    >Follows Shariya
diff from Bhakti Saint = followed Asceticm but not Harsh....Love of God in healthy body.
have various Order(AKA “Shilshila”) = continuity of thought.
          Example= Chisti shilshila or order = thought of Muinuddin Chisti followers.......1st order= Khawaja Muin uddin Chisti...............2nd order the second follower= Qutabuddin Bhaktiyar Kaki.

Ba- Sharia Sufi

Chisti Order:

Kwaja Muinuddin Chisti(1143-1223 AD)
> 1st order Chisti
>From Hairat(Afganishtan).......Came to Ajmer India
>Panthetic Monoism= ishwar ek hai  or har cheej me hai.
>Stayed away from State affairs....ordinary life.
Popularised “Sama” = musical reictation.
Qutabuddin Bhaktiyar
Follower of Muinuddin Chisti ↑.
>Connecting dots = Delhi Sultanate.....Quttabuddin Aibak started building Qutab minar....Illtutmish completed and named after him
Caliphat (The muslim religious head) didn’t gave Qutabuddin Aibak(Founder of Delhi sultanate) the recognition of sultan.
IILTUTMISH named the construction work of Qutabuddin in the name of Sufi Saint(Muinuddin Chisti) + He even patronised sufis of other order or shilshila like”Shuhrawardi Shilsilah”..........These Sufi were against Caliphats phillosophy and had huge followers.....Calipha hence to maintain BOP gave “Letter of Mansor(Recognition)” to Illutumis [Other Sultunate ruler to get recognition from Calipha= Illutmish + Muhammad Bin Tughalaq(IQ ↑) + Feroz Tughlaq(kattar islamic)].

Baba Farid:
>This Chisti Sufi contributed in development of Punjabi Literature.
in 14th cent he live....wrote many poems....which later got enshrined in “Guru granth Sahib” religious book of Sikh [1469 born Guru Nanak]

Nizamuddin Auliya:
>his student = Amir Khusro....formed Qwali and many musical instrument[

Sheikh Nasiruddin Mahmud
>AKA Lamp of Delhi (Chirag-e-Dilli)

Seikh Burhanuddin Garib
spred sufism to South India.

Shurawardi Silsilah(Greedy)
a Sufi
should acuire Property(not in Chisti Shilsila) + Knowledge + Hal(mystical enlightenment)
>Bowing before initiation of Shilsila was stopped(bowing practice in Chisti)
>Ammassed too much wealth.
>Illtutmish provided royal patronage.
>Formed by = Sheikh Shihabuddin Suhrawardi in Bagdad
>Brought in Inida by = Sheikh bahauddin Zakariya(1182-1262)...contemprory of Chisti.
>Region of influence= Punjab + sindh +Kashmir +Partial Bengal.

Qadariya Silsilah
(hum dekhenge...)
Phillosophy = Wahahdat al Wajud (Unity of existence = God is only reality rest is just his radiation)
>Founder= Abdul Qadir Gilani
>Brought in india by= Shah Namatullah
1)Miyan Mir = he enrolled
Dara shikoh (brother of Aurangzeb).
2)Hasrat Mohani=Urdu Poet Freedom fighter
3)Muhammad Iqbal= Urdu Poet = Hum Dekhenge......@CAA protest

Naqshbandi Silsilah (Rise of Vilan)
>Philosophy= Very radical.
>India me Formed by= Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshbandi  in India.
>Famous follower= Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi.....He gave himself the title of “Reformer of the new Millennium”...............
>Popularised during Akbar..............When Akbar was trying to spread secular religion.
Aurangzeb was his follower.....who killed Dara Shikoh(Dara Shikoh had translated GITA in Urdu)

Shattari Silsilah
>Tansen= the greatest musician in the court of AKBAR was follower.

Impact of Sufis:
>Development of Varneclar Language.
>bcoz...They pareached in Local or regional Language.
>Bcoz their main suject was Non-Elite Hindus.....who didn’t had privilage of Sanskritic text.

>Developed Art and Culture....specially Music and Qawali.....brought religious tolerance.

Bhakti Movement
Two school of thought:

>Attribute= God is shape less(No idol worship) + Knowledge is way for salvation.
>Personality= Guru Nanak + Kabir + Dadu Dayal
>Attribute= God has attributes(idol worship) + Love /Devotion for Salvation.
>Personality= Ramanuja + Ramananda + Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Originated in South India.

3 different Bhakti Movement in S.India

>Vaishnavism------ total 12
>Attributes = Hymns in praise of Vishnu/ Awtars= Divya Prabandha (collection of all such hymns).
>Women= Andal----only femal Alwar saint===AKA Mira of South.
>Tevaram=first seven volumes of the Tirumurai = poems of Shiva. =Dravida Veda
>Tirumurai = Hymns(of Nayyanars) collected by priest on the order of “Chola King Raja Raja 1” .
3)Virashaiva Movement/ Lingayats
>no caste system
> by Basavanna...body is temple making not required for God--------10-12 Cent AD Chola +Pandya kings connected temple worship with Bhakti tradition.......Basavanna was faught against this  temple linking.
>in Kalachuri dynasty.

Impact on Language:

Kabir + Surdas + Tulsidas etc
Janandeva + Namdev etc
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu + Chandidas
Rajasthani (Brij)
Meerabai + Bihari etc
Guru Nanak +Baba Farid(Sufi of Chisti order)


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