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Showing posts from December, 2019

Do you think that states’ operational freedom to perform within their specified jurisdictions is highly truncated in the country? Examine in the backdrop of cooperative and competitive federalism that India subscribes to.(250 words)

Atal Bhujal Yojana has been launched amid growing concerns over the country’s groundwater resources. Explain the scheme and how will it help solve the current water crisis of India? (250 words)

Internal security =Organised crime

Syllabus= Linkage of Organised Crime with Terrorism. Terrorism Organised crime Motivation Political power(Taliban+ ISIS) + Ideology Economic power + material benefits killing Mass killing Targeted killing Priority of action Violance 1 st option 1 st threat ....violance last Approach Seek media attention Anonymity income Hizack + bombing+ attack etc Ransom +money laundrey+ smuggling + trafficking etc target Public institution+ gov building etc No such......usually contract kill / for hegemony Final agenda Make public opinion against gov...for flourishment Many politician are complicit in Organised crime.( Vohra Committee report ) Link between Terrorism and Organised Crime: --Many time terrorist depends on funding from Drugs (Golden triangle=Myanmar+Thailand+Laos; Golden Criescant=Afganishtan+Iran+Pakistan) and trafficking, whi...

What is the philosophy of Dvaita? Evaluate the contribution of the school of Dvaita Vedanta in the development of Hindu philosophy.(250 words)

Wealth disparities are evident in the malnutrition scenario of the country, Do you think there are gross non-egalitarian malnutrition outcomes owing to it?Discuss in detail the various factors responsible for malnutrition in the country and suggest measures to overcome the same.(250 words)

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights

Loopholes and Challenges   in POSCO ......... Click here to read Child sexual abuse case.....Act...Loop holes...Posco........ Click here --Under Ministry of Women and Child Development -- statutory body set up in 2007. --under the Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005. -- Objective: objective of the commission is to protect, promote  and defend child rights in India including the rights adopted in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989 — with an accession by India in 1992. United Nations Convention  defines a child = below 18 --State Commissions for  the protection of child’s rights are also to be established under its supervision. Powers of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR): -- examines and reviews the safeguards provided  under any law for the protection of child rights. -- recommends measures to the government. -- It can present a report annually , or as it deems fit for i...

It would be difficult for constituent assemble to complete its historic task of drafting the constitution for independent India in just 3 years but for experience gained with Government of India Act 1935. Discuss.

  for other answer @ GOI Act 1935.....Click here

Why industrial revolution first occurs in England ? Discuss the quality of life of the people there during the industrialisation. How does it compare with that in India at preasent.

The latest global gender gapreport should be seen as a wakeup call for the government to institute suitable measures to forempowerment of women. Deliberate.(250 words)

Why the iconoclast social reformer Periyar matters in Tamil Nadu? Discuss the contributions of Periyar and significance as of today.(250 words)

The empowerment of religion via ‘Indian secularism’ and a caste-laden political discourse has served to keep out a public discussion of the ‘women’s question’ in India”, Do you agree? Critically analyse.(250 words)

Antiquities and Art Treasuries Act must be revised so as to make trading in Indian art more institutionalized. Do you agree? Comment.(250 words)

Key word -- ASI (Archeological Survey of India) -- Alexander Cunningham who also became its first Director-General.  smuggling statues -- To read in detail abou "Antiquities and Art Treasuries Act" here

Geography Chap 13 (Goh Cheng Leong + NCERT)

Chapter 13 WEATHER Clouds classification: 1)High Cloud  ( Ci= Cirrus) a) Cirrus ↓ b) Cirrocummulus ↓ Globular mass forming ripple: c) Cirrostratus ↓ Thin white sheet...sun or moon forms halo. 2)Medium Cloud: a) Altocummulus ↓ Waves in blue sky.== fine weather b)Altostratus ↓ Denser grayish cloud ====watery look.....sun shines faintly 3)Low Cloud a) Stratocummulus ↓ Wave more pronounce then Altocummulus. Rough Bumpy cloud....bright ans shaded part. b)Stratus↓ appears= low ceiling of FOG. c)Nimbostratus ↓ Dark and rainy===light drizzle==low visiblity 4) Cloud with great Verticle extent: a)Cummulus ↓ b)Cumulonimbus ↓ Haze / Mist / Fog: Haze =Dry inland continent= Low humidity (less then 75 %)= smoke+ dust blurrs Mist =Dry inland continent= High Humidity ===cloud at ground level. Fog =Coastal= High Humidity= very thick....surface more cooler.

Tribunal :::: M LAXMIKANTH

Chapter 63 Tribunal (Part 14 A): --42 nd Amendment = Tribunals --Type= 1)Administrative    2) for other purpose Administrative Tribunal ( AT )   (Ar 323 A ): --Took the powers(@adjudication over service dispute, civil in nature) from court to Central Gov. -- Tribunal provided= Speedy + inexpensive Justice. --How speedy = does not follow CrPC.=follows NATURAL JUSTICE. --2 Type Administrative = CAT (Centre)   and SAT (state) CAT (Central Administrative Tribunal): --Original Jurisdiction (Sidha tribunal ana hai) --Services included = All India Services + Central Services = only Civil post. --Services NOT included= Civil post in Defence+ Supreme court +secretarial staff of Parliament. -- Structure = 1 Chairman +65   Member                     >Member = equivalent to HC judge.            ...

Geography Chap 12 (Goh Cheng Leong + NCERT)

Chapter   12 The Oceans --International Council for the Exploration of sea. ===does reserch/ funding. Ocean Relief 1)The continental shelf:   >Formation = 1)Sea level ↑   2)Wave Erosion   3) Deposition.   >Wider the shelf===less slope.   >Mountainous region==Like that of Andes==No shelf is possible.   >Transportation:      >>continental shelf=limited depth + gentle slope= Height of Tide ↑ .      >>makes Port construction difficult===Ships can leave/enter during Tides .      >>Yet some of worlds greatest port are in continental shelf=London + Rotterdam, Hong kong and Singapore.      >>Ports in Western coast > Eastern coast.        >>> West coast=Deep=non deltaic river+ coast of submergence , Except Malabar coast.        >>> East Coast=...

“Most of the art and architectural remains that have survived the ancient and medieval Indian times have been religious in nature”, Discuss with suitable examples. (250 words)

“For India to realize its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and economic aspirations, population stabilization should be a national priority”. Elucidate. (250 Words)

Public Services :::: M LAXMIKANTH

Chapter 62 Public Services (Ar 308-314) Part 14 Classification: 1)All India Services   2)Central Services   3)State Services. 1)All India Services: --Common to both Central and State government. --Members occupies   Top positions ……..Serves in turn to both Centre and State. --Serves Centre= on deputation after -- Recruited/   Trained = Central Gov………….assigned work in state. -- Immediate control === State gov = No disciplinary action . -- Ultimate control = Central Gov= can take disciplinary action --Types:   > 1) IAS   2) IPS 3) IFS (Indian forest Service, added in 1966). 2)Central Services: --“Third Pay Commission” = changed the name from Group 1,2,3,4 to Group A, B (subordintate to A) , C (clerck) and D (Mannual). -- IFS (Indian Foreign Services) =Top among all Central service= Come next to IAS in ranking …..more pay scale then IPS. 3)State Services:   --Occupy lower position then those of “all India Services”. --li...

Geography Chap 11 (Goh Cheng Leong + NCERT)

CHAPTER 11 Islands and coral reef Types if Island: 1) Continental    2)Oceanic 1)Continental Island --Formation = subsidence of land / Rise in sea level. --Identification= similar type of structure, flora, fauna with diff surface features. -- Type = a) Individual Island b)Archipelago Island c)Festoon Island. a) Individual Island : >Lie just outside the continent. >almost same features as of parent continent. >Ex- Newfound land = strait of Belle Isle;          Madagascar = by Mozambique channel;          Sril lanka = Pak strait;          Tasmania = Bass strait;           Formosa = Formosa strait; Note: Strait= narrow water body connecting two large water body.             Channel = large water body it also connects two larg...